Homemade Gingerbread House Recipe

Prepare for the holiday season by beginning on a fascinating journey to create your own beautiful Gingerbread House! This treasured holiday tradition combines the comforting scent of ginger, the sweetness of icing, and the fun of decorating. Let’s get started on creating this stunning food artwork!


All-Purpose Flour:

  • Serves as the base ingredient for the gingerbread dough, providing structure.
  • Contains gluten, which helps the dough hold its shape when baked.

Baking Soda:

  • Acts as a leavening agent, helping the gingerbread dough to rise slightly while baking.
  • Aids in the softening of the dough.


  • Enhances the flavor of the gingerbread by balancing the sweetness and intensifying other flavors.

Ground Ginger, Cinnamon, and Cloves:

  • Infuse the gingerbread with warm, aromatic flavors.
  • Provide the signature taste associated with gingerbread, adding depth and warmth to the dough.

Unsalted Butter:

  • Contributes to the texture and richness of the gingerbread, yielding a moist and flavorful dough.
  • Helps in binding the dry ingredients together.

Granulated Sugar:

  • Sweetens the gingerbread dough, balancing the spices and other flavors.
  • Adds moisture to the dough, enhancing its texture.


  • Offers sweetness and contributes to the dark color of the gingerbread.
  • Provides moisture and helps to achieve the desired chewy texture.


  • Acts as a binding agent, helping to hold the dough together.
  • Contributes to the structure and texture of the gingerbread.


  • Let the baked gingerbread pieces cool completely before assembling to prevent collapsing.
  • For intricate designs, use small piping tips or cut the corner of a ziplock bag for more precise icing application.

How to make gingerbread house

1. Making the Gingerbread Dough:

  • In a bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.
  • In a separate bowl, cream the softened butter and granulated sugar until fluffy. Add molasses and egg, mixing well.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until a dough forms. Divide the dough, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

2. Baking the Gingerbread Pieces:

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • Roll out the chilled dough on a floured surface and cut out house pieces using templates or cookie cutters. Bake until golden brown, then let them cool completely.

3. Preparing Royal Icing:

  • In a bowl, whisk together powdered sugar, egg whites, and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. Divide into separate bowls if using different colors.

4. Assembling the House:

  • Use royal icing as ‘glue’ to assemble the house pieces, applying icing along the edges for stability. Allow it to set for at least 30 minutes before decorating.

5. Decorating Your Gingerbread House:

  • Get creative! Use assorted candies, sprinkles, and icing to embellish your gingerbread house. Let your imagination run wild to create a festive and whimsical design.

Assembling gingerbread house

  1. Prepare Work Surface: Clear a flat surface to assemble the gingerbread house. A sturdy tray or base covered with parchment paper works well.
  2. Foundation: Begin by assembling the base of the house. Use royal icing as ‘glue’ to attach the walls to the base piece. Hold the pieces together for a minute or two to ensure they adhere well.
  3. Wall Assembly: Apply royal icing along the edges of the walls that will join together. Press the walls firmly together to form the corners of the house. Use additional support (cans or cups) to hold the walls in place until the icing sets.
  4. Roof Placement: Apply royal icing along the top edges of the walls. Gently place the roof pieces on top, ensuring they align correctly. Use cups or objects to prop up the roof pieces until the icing sets and the roof holds its position.
  5. Final Touches: Pipe additional icing along the edges of the house for extra support and to conceal any gaps. Decorate the seams with icing or candies to enhance the overall appearance.
  6. Let It Set: Allow the assembled gingerbread house to sit undisturbed until the icing fully sets and the house holds its shape, typically for a few hours or overnight.


  1. Prepare Royal Icing: Ensure your royal icing is at the right consistency. Divide it into smaller portions if using multiple colors.
  2. Prepare Decorating Area: Set up a spacious and clean decorating area. Gather assorted candies, sprinkles, and decorations in separate bowls for easy access.
  3. Start with Base Decorations: Begin by decorating the base or foundation of the gingerbread house. Use royal icing to attach candies or create a pattern with sprinkles or small candies.
  4. Decorate Walls and Roof: Apply a thin layer of royal icing along the edges of the walls and roof pieces. Attach candies, create designs, or pipe icing patterns on the walls and roof sections. Let your creativity guide you!
  5. Allow Time to Set: Allow the decorations to set and dry completely before assembling the house. This prevents the decorations from sliding or falling off during assembly.

Troubleshooting & Flavour Variations

  • Gingerbread Too Soft: For a sturdier house, roll the dough slightly thicker before baking.
  • Icing Too Runny: Adjust the consistency of royal icing by adding more powdered sugar for a thicker consistency or a few drops of water for a thinner consistency.
  • Flavor Variations: Add a touch of nutmeg or cardamom to the gingerbread dough for different flavor dimensions.

Pairing and serving suggestions

  • Showcase your gingerbread masterpiece as a centrepiece for your holiday table or as a festive decoration. Pair with hot cocoa or spiced tea for a delightful treat.


Q: How long does it take for the gingerbread pieces to cool before assembling the house?

It’s crucial to allow the baked gingerbread pieces to cool completely before assembling the house. This typically takes about 30-60 minutes at room temperature. Warm pieces can cause the royal icing to melt or the structure to collapse.

Q: Can I reuse the gingerbread house templates or molds?

Yes, templates or molds for gingerbread house pieces can be reused multiple times. Clean and dry them thoroughly after each use and store them in a cool, dry place.

Q: How can I prevent the gingerbread pieces from becoming too hard or soft?

To prevent gingerbread pieces from becoming overly hard, avoid overbaking them. To prevent softening, store the baked pieces in an airtight container once cooled.

Q: How long will a decorated gingerbread house last?

A decorated gingerbread house can last for several weeks to a month when stored properly. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Q: Can I use alternative decorations for the gingerbread house?

Absolutely! Get creative with various decorations like pretzels, dried fruits, nuts, or even edible glitter. Ensure decorations are food-safe and suitable for attaching with royal icing.

Q: What can I do if the royal icing is too thick or too runny?

Adjust the consistency of royal icing by adding more powdered sugar to thicken it or a few drops of water to thin it. Consistency is key for proper decorating and assembling.

Q: Can I eat the gingerbread house after it’s been on display?

While gingerbread houses are edible, the pieces may become stale over time. If the house has been on display for a while, it’s best for decorative purposes rather than consumption.

Q: How do I transport a gingerbread house without damaging it?

For transportation, carefully place the gingerbread house on a sturdy base, and if possible, secure it in a box or container filled with packing material to prevent shifting.

Homemade Gingerbread House Recipe

Prepare for the holiday season by beginning on a fascinating journey to create your own beautiful Gingerbread House! This treasured holiday tradition combines the comforting scent of ginger, the sweetness of icing, and the fun of decorating. Let's get started on creating this stunning food artwork!
This recipe yields enough gingerbread dough to construct one medium-sized gingerbread house.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 1 Medium sized house


  • Mixing bowls
  • Baking sheets
  • Parchment paper
  • Rolling Pin
  • Gingerbread house templates or cookie cutters
  • Knife or pizza cutter
  • Pastry bags for icing
  • Assorted candies, sprinkles, and decorations


For the Gingerbread Dough:

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ cup unsalted butter softened
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • ½ cup molasses
  • 1 large egg

For the Royal Icing:

  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 large egg whites
  • ½ tsp cream of tartar


Making the Gingerbread Dough:

  • In a bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.
  • In a separate bowl, cream the softened butter and granulated sugar until fluffy. Add molasses and egg, mixing well.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until a dough forms. Divide the dough, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Baking the Gingerbread Pieces:

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • Roll out the chilled dough on a floured surface and cut out house pieces using templates or cookie cutters. Bake until golden brown, then let them cool completely.

Preparing Royal Icing:

  • In a bowl, whisk together powdered sugar, egg whites, and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. Divide into separate bowls if using different colors.

Assembling the House:

  • Use royal icing as 'glue' to assemble the house pieces, applying icing along the edges for stability. Allow it to set for at least 30 minutes before decorating.

Decorating Your Gingerbread House:

  • Get creative! Use assorted candies, sprinkles, and icing to embellish your gingerbread house. Let your imagination run wild to create a festive and whimsical design.


Gingerbread Dough:
  • The gingerbread dough can be made in advance. After preparing the dough, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Alternatively, the dough can be frozen for up to 1 month. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before rolling and baking.
Baked Gingerbread Pieces:
  • Bake the gingerbread house pieces (walls, roof, etc.) in advance and store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week.
  • Ensure the pieces are completely cooled before storing to prevent moisture buildup, which could soften the gingerbread.
Royal Icing:
  • Prepare the royal icing ahead of time and store it in airtight containers. Royal icing can be refrigerated for up to one week.
  • Before using, bring the royal icing to room temperature and stir it well to restore its consistency. If needed, add a few drops of water to adjust the thickness.
Assembled House (Not decorated):
  • If the gingerbread house is assembled but not yet decorated, cover it loosely with plastic wrap or place it in a large airtight container to protect it from dust and moisture. Store it at room temperature for up to several days.
Keyword gingerbread, gingerbread house

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