In pastry land, French macarons are the height of style and refinement. These adorable treats are a great treat for any occasion, with a soft, chewy centre and a delicately crisp exterior. We’ll walk you through the process of making flawless French macarons packed with decadent white chocolate ganache in this recipe. Prepare to dazzle your loved ones with your cooking skills!


  1. Almond Flour:
    • Almond flour is the main dry ingredient in French macarons. It provides structure and contributes to the texture of the macaron shells.
    • Almond flour also adds a nutty flavor to the macarons and helps create the characteristic smooth surface.
  2. Powdered Sugar:
    • Powdered sugar is combined with almond flour to form the dry ingredients for the macaron shells.
    • It helps to sweeten the macarons and contributes to their light and delicate texture.
  3. Egg Whites:
    • Egg whites are the key component of the meringue used to make French macarons.
    • They provide structure and stability to the macaron shells when whipped into stiff peaks.
    • The protein in egg whites helps create the airy and light texture of the macarons.
  4. Granulated Sugar:
    • Granulated sugar is added to the egg whites to create the meringue.
    • It sweetens the meringue and stabilizes the structure by helping to form a glossy and stable meringue.
  5. Gel Food Coloring (Optional):
    • Gel food coloring is used to add color to the macaron shells, making them visually appealing.
    • It is important to use gel food coloring as it does not add excess moisture to the macaron batter, which could affect the consistency and texture of the shells.
  6. White Chocolate:
    • White chocolate is the main ingredient for the ganache filling.
    • It adds a rich and creamy texture to the ganache and provides sweetness to balance the flavors.
    • The cocoa butter in white chocolate helps create a smooth and luscious ganache.
  7. Heavy Cream:
    • Heavy cream is used to make the ganache filling.
    • It adds richness and creaminess to the ganache and helps create a smooth and velvety texture.
    • The fat content in heavy cream helps bind the ganache together and contributes to its luxurious consistency.
  8. Unsalted Butter:
    • Unsalted butter is added to the ganache to enhance its flavor and texture.
    • It adds richness and a creamy mouthfeel to the ganache, making it more indulgent.
    • The butter also helps stabilize the ganache and gives it a glossy finish.


  • Aging the egg whites for a day or two in the refrigerator helps to dehydrate them, resulting in a more stable meringue.
  • Be gentle when folding the almond mixture into the meringue to avoid deflating the batter.
  • For best results, use high-quality white chocolate for the ganache to achieve a smooth and creamy texture.
  • Macarons are best enjoyed at room temperature, so take them out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving.

How to make French Macarons Recipe

  1. Prepare the Ingredients:
    • Measure out all the ingredients precisely before you begin.
    • Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.
  2. Make the Almond Mixture:
    • In a mixing bowl, sift together the almond flour and powdered sugar to remove any lumps.
    • If desired, add gel food coloring to the almond mixture and mix until evenly distributed.
  3. Whip the Egg Whites:
    • In the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing bowl if using a hand mixer, beat the egg whites on medium speed until foamy.
    • Gradually add the granulated sugar while continuing to beat the egg whites.
    • Increase the speed to high and beat until stiff peaks form and the meringue is glossy.
  4. Macaronage:
    • Gently fold the almond mixture into the whipped egg whites in three additions, using a spatula.
    • Fold until the batter is smooth and flows like lava. Be careful not to overmix.
  5. Pipe the Macarons:
    • Transfer the batter to a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
    • Pipe small circles onto the prepared baking sheets, spacing them about 1 inch apart.
  6. Rest and Preheat:
    • Let the piped macarons rest at room temperature for 30-45 minutes, or until a skin forms on the surface.
    • Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C) during the resting period.
  7. Bake the Macarons:
    • Once the macarons have rested, bake them in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the macarons have developed feet and are set.
    • Let the macarons cool completely on the baking sheets before removing them.
  8. Prepare the White Chocolate Ganache:
    • In a heatproof bowl, place the finely chopped white chocolate.
    • In a small saucepan, heat the heavy cream until just simmering.
    • Pour the hot cream over the white chocolate and let it sit for 1-2 minutes.
    • Stir the mixture until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.
    • Add the softened butter and mix until incorporated.
  9. Fill the Macarons:
    • Match up macaron shells of similar size and shape.
    • Spoon or pipe a small amount of white chocolate ganache onto the flat side of one shell and sandwich it with another shell.
  10. Let Them Mature:
    • Place the filled macarons in an airtight container and refrigerate them for 24-48 hours before serving.
    • This allows the flavors to meld and the texture to soften, resulting in better-tasting macarons.

Assembling French Macarons Recipe

  1. Match Macaron Shells:
    • Start by matching up pairs of macaron shells that are similar in size and shape. This will help ensure uniformity in your finished macarons.
  2. Prepare Piping Bag:
    • Fit a piping bag with a round tip that is appropriate for the size of your macaron shells. This will make it easier to pipe the ganache onto the shells.
  3. Fill Piping Bag:
    • Spoon the prepared white chocolate ganache into the piping bag. Be careful not to overfill the bag, as this can make piping more difficult.
  4. Pipe Ganache:
    • Hold one macaron shell in your hand, flat side up.
    • Pipe a small dollop of ganache onto the center of the shell, taking care not to spread it all the way to the edges.
  5. Sandwich Macarons:
    • Gently place another macaron shell, flat side down, on top of the ganache-covered shell.
    • Press down very gently to secure the two shells together, being careful not to break them.
  6. Repeat with Remaining Macarons:
    • Continue piping ganache and sandwiching macaron shells until all of your macarons are assembled.
  7. Refrigerate:
    • Once assembled, place the macarons in an airtight container and refrigerate them for at least 24 hours before serving.
    • This resting period allows the flavors to meld and the texture to soften, resulting in more delicious macarons.


  • Drizzle with White Chocolate:
    • Melt some additional white chocolate and transfer it to a piping bag fitted with a fine tip.
    • Gently drizzle the melted white chocolate over the assembled macarons in a zigzag pattern or any desired design.
    • Allow the chocolate to set before serving.
  • Dust with Powdered Sugar:
    • Using a fine mesh sieve, lightly dust the assembled macarons with powdered sugar.
    • This adds a touch of elegance and a hint of sweetness to the macarons.
  • Add Edible Decorations:
    • Consider adding edible decorations such as edible gold leaf, silver dragees, or pearlized sugar beads to the tops of the macarons.
    • These decorations can be placed on top of the ganache filling before sandwiching the macarons together.
  • Sprinkle with Colored Sugar or Sprinkles:
    • Sprinkle the tops of the macarons with colored sugar or sprinkles to add a pop of color and visual interest.
    • Choose colors that complement the flavor and appearance of your macarons.
  • Use Food Coloring to Decorate:
    • If desired, you can use food coloring to tint the white chocolate ganache or create intricate designs on the macarons.
    • Use food-safe brushes or fine-tipped tools to apply the food coloring with precision.
  • Be Creative:
    • Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different decorating techniques and ideas.
    • Personalize your macarons to match the theme or occasion, and have fun with the decorating process!


  1. Flat or Spreading Macarons:
    • Possible Cause: Over-mixing the batter can cause the macarons to spread too much during baking.
    • Troubleshooting: Be cautious when folding the almond mixture into the meringue. Stop mixing once the batter reaches the proper consistency, resembling lava flowing off the spatula. Overmixing can result in flat macarons.
  2. Cracked Macaron Shells:
    • Possible Cause: Rapid temperature changes or uneven oven heat can cause macaron shells to crack during baking.
    • Troubleshooting: Allow the piped macarons to rest at room temperature until a thin skin forms on the surface. Ensure your oven is preheated and bake the macarons in the center of the oven to promote even heat distribution.
  3. Sticky or Soft Macaron Shells:
    • Possible Cause: Humidity in the environment can cause macaron shells to absorb moisture, resulting in sticky or soft shells.
    • Troubleshooting: Avoid making macarons on humid days or in humid environments. Allow the piped macarons to develop a skin by letting them rest at room temperature until they are dry to the touch before baking.
  4. Uneven Macaron Sizes:
    • Possible Cause: Inconsistent piping or uneven oven heat can lead to macarons of varying sizes.
    • Troubleshooting: Use a piping template or silicone mat with pre-marked circles to ensure consistent macaron sizes. Additionally, rotate the baking sheets halfway through baking to promote even browning and cooking.
  5. Ganache Too Runny or Thick:
    • Possible Cause: Incorrect ganache ratios or temperature can result in ganache that is either too runny or too thick.
    • Troubleshooting: Adjust the ganache consistency by adding more cream if it is too thick or more chocolate if it is too runny. Stir the ganache gently and allow it to cool to room temperature for proper consistency.

Flavour Variations

  • Lemon White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Add lemon zest or lemon extract to the white chocolate ganache for a bright and citrusy flavor profile.
  • Raspberry White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Incorporate raspberry puree or freeze-dried raspberry powder into the white chocolate ganache for a tangy and fruity twist.
  • Coffee White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Dissolve instant coffee granules or espresso powder in the cream before adding it to the white chocolate for a delightful coffee-infused ganache.
  • Coconut White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Stir in shredded coconut or coconut extract into the white chocolate ganache for a tropical and aromatic flavor.
  • Matcha White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Whisk matcha green tea powder into the cream before combining it with the white chocolate ganache for a vibrant and earthy taste.
  • Orange White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Infuse orange zest or orange extract into the white chocolate ganache for a refreshing and citrusy flavor burst.
  • Mint White Chocolate Ganache:
    • Add a few drops of peppermint extract or finely chopped fresh mint leaves to the white chocolate ganache for a cool and refreshing filling.

Pairing and serving suggestions

  1. Serve with Tea or Coffee:
    • Pair French macarons with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee for a delightful afternoon indulgence. The subtle sweetness of the macarons contrasts beautifully with the rich flavors of tea or coffee.
  2. Create a Dessert Platter:
    • Arrange a variety of flavored macarons on a decorative platter for a stunning dessert presentation. Mix and match flavors to offer a diverse tasting experience for your guests.
  3. Pair with Champagne or Sparkling Wine:
    • French macarons make an elegant accompaniment to champagne or sparkling wine. The effervescence of the wine cleanses the palate between bites, enhancing the flavors of the macarons.
  4. Serve as a Dessert Course:
    • Include French macarons with white chocolate ganache as a standalone dessert course in a multi-course meal. Present them on individual serving plates for a sophisticated touch.
  5. Incorporate into Dessert Buffets or Afternoon Tea Parties:
    • Include French macarons as part of a dessert buffet or afternoon tea party spread. Arrange them alongside other sweet treats and pastries for a visually appealing display.


  1. How do I store French macarons with white chocolate ganache?
    • Store the assembled macarons in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Bring them to room temperature before serving for the best flavor and texture.
  2. Can I freeze French macarons with white chocolate ganache?
    • Yes, you can freeze unfilled macaron shells for up to 1 month in an airtight container. Thaw them in the refrigerator before filling and assembling.
  3. Why are my macarons hollow?
    • Hollow macarons can be caused by over-mixing the batter, under-baking, or incorrect oven temperature. Follow the recipe instructions carefully and avoid overmixing the batter.
  4. How do I achieve perfectly smooth macaron shells?
    • To achieve smooth macaron shells, sift the almond flour and powdered sugar together to remove any lumps. Also, ensure that the meringue is properly whipped to stiff peaks before folding it into the almond mixture.
  5. My ganache is too runny. How can I fix it?
    • If your ganache is too runny, you can refrigerate it for a short period to allow it to thicken. Alternatively, you can add more chocolate to the ganache to achieve the desired consistency.
  6. Can I flavor the white chocolate ganache with different extracts or ingredients?
    • Yes, you can customize the flavor of the white chocolate ganache by adding extracts, fruit purees, or flavored liqueurs to suit your taste preferences.
  7. How far in advance can I assemble French macarons with white chocolate ganache?
    • You can assemble French macarons with ganache up to 2-3 days in advance and store them in the refrigerator. However, for the best texture and flavor, it’s recommended to assemble them closer to serving time.
  8. Can I use different types of chocolate for the ganache?
    • Yes, you can experiment with different types of chocolate such as dark or milk chocolate to create different flavor variations for the ganache.

French Macarons Recipe

In pastry land, French macarons are the height of style and refinement. These adorable treats are a great treat for any occasion, with a soft, chewy centre and a delicately crisp exterior. We'll walk you through the process of making flawless French macarons packed with decadent white chocolate ganache in this recipe. Prepare to dazzle your loved ones with your cooking skills!
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine French
Servings 40 cookies


  • Stand mixer or hand mixer
  • Fine-mesh sieve
  • Piping bag with a round tip
  • Baking sheets
  • Parchment paper or silicone baking mat
  • Mixing bowls
  • Spatula
  • Double boiler or microwave-safe bowl


For the Macaron Shells

  • 120 g almond flour
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 100 g aged egg whites
  • granulated sugar
  • Gel food coloring

For the White Chocolate Ganache Filling:

  • 200 g white chocolate finely chopped
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter softened


  • Measure out all the ingredients precisely before you begin.
  • Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.
  • In a mixing bowl, sift together the almond flour and powdered sugar to remove any lumps.
  • If desired, add gel food coloring to the almond mixture and mix until evenly distributed.
  • In the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing bowl if using a hand mixer, beat the egg whites on medium speed until foamy.
  • Gradually add the granulated sugar while continuing to beat the egg whites.
  • Increase the speed to high and beat until stiff peaks form and the meringue is glossy.
  • Gently fold the almond mixture into the whipped egg whites in three additions, using a spatula.
  • Fold until the batter is smooth and flows like lava. Be careful not to overmix.
  • Transfer the batter to a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
  • Pipe small circles onto the prepared baking sheets, spacing them about 1 inch apart.
  • Let the piped macarons rest at room temperature for 30-45 minutes, or until a skin forms on the surface.
  • Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C) during the resting period.
  • Once the macarons have rested, bake them in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the macarons have developed feet and are set.
  • Let the macarons cool completely on the baking sheets before removing them.
  • In a heatproof bowl, place the finely chopped white chocolate.
  • In a small saucepan, heat the heavy cream until just simmering.
  • Pour the hot cream over the white chocolate and let it sit for 1-2 minutes.
  • Stir the mixture until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.
  • Add the softened butter and mix until incorporated.
  • Match up macaron shells of similar size and shape.
  • Spoon or pipe a small amount of white chocolate ganache onto the flat side of one shell and sandwich it with another shell.
  • Place the filled macarons in an airtight container and refrigerate them for 24-48 hours before serving.
  • This allows the flavors to meld and the texture to soften, resulting in better-tasting macarons.


  1. Make the Macaron Shells in Advance:
    • Bake the macaron shells as per the recipe instructions.
    • Allow the shells to cool completely on the baking sheets.
    • Once cooled, store the unfilled macaron shells in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days, or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
  2. Prepare the White Chocolate Ganache Ahead:
    • Make the white chocolate ganache according to the recipe instructions.
    • Allow the ganache to cool to room temperature.
    • Transfer the ganache to an airtight container and refrigerate it for up to 3 days.
    • Before using, let the ganache come to room temperature and give it a quick stir to restore its creamy consistency.
  3. Assemble the Macarons Ahead of Time:
    • Once the macaron shells and ganache are ready, you can assemble the macarons.
    • Match up the macaron shells of similar size and shape.
    • Spoon or pipe a small amount of ganache onto the flat side of one shell and sandwich it with another shell.
    • Place the assembled macarons in an airtight container, with parchment paper between layers to prevent sticking.
    • Store the assembled macarons in the refrigerator for up to 3 days before serving.
  4. Maturation Period:
    • For the best flavor and texture, allow the assembled macarons to mature in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours before serving.
    • This resting period allows the flavors to meld and the texture to soften, resulting in more delicious macarons.
Keyword french macarons, macarons

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