American Buttercream Recipe

Welcome to a world of sweetness and creativity! In this delightful journey, we’re diving into the art of making Vanilla Buttercream Frosting—an essential recipe for every baker’s repertoire. Imagine a velvety cloud of creamy goodness, delicately infused with the essence of vanilla. Whether you’re frosting a cake to celebrate a special occasion or adding a finishing touch to cupcakes, this recipe will elevate your desserts to new heights.

American Buttercream Ingredients

Powdered sugar, also known as confectioners’ sugar or icing sugar, is a fundamental ingredient in buttercream for several key reasons. Its finely ground texture ensures easy incorporation into the butter, resulting in a smooth and creamy consistency without the grittiness of granulated sugar. The small particle size of powdered sugar helps prevent a grainy texture in the frosting, contributing to a velvety mouthfeel. Additionally, powdered sugar dissolves quickly during mixing, promoting uniform sweetness distribution throughout the buttercream, essential for achieving a balanced and delightful flavor

Butter plays a central role in buttercream due to its rich flavor, luxurious texture, and binding capabilities. Its high fat content creates a smooth, creamy consistency that forms the base of the frosting. Butter adds a luscious mouthfeel and contributes to the overall richness of the buttercream. Its emulsifying properties help combine the other ingredients, creating a stable and cohesive mixture that’s easy to work with and spreads smoothly on desserts.

Heavy cream or milk is a crucial ingredient in buttercream as it contributes to its texture, flavor, and consistency. Adding heavy cream or milk helps soften the butter, making it easier to incorporate and achieve a smooth, spreadable consistency. The liquid from the cream or milk adds moisture, resulting in a creamier and more luscious frosting. It also helps balance the sweetness of other ingredients, ensuring a harmonious flavor profile. Overall, heavy cream or milk plays a vital role in creating a well-rounded and delightful buttercream experience.

Vanilla extract is a key ingredient in buttercream as it imparts a delightful and distinct flavor to the frosting. Its aromatic compounds enhance the overall taste, providing a warm and inviting essence that complements the sweetness of the sugar and richness of the butter. Vanilla extract adds depth to the buttercream, making it more than just sweet, and elevates the overall dessert experience. Its presence brings a sense of familiarity and comfort, making vanilla extract an essential element in achieving a well-balanced and flavorful buttercream.

How to make American Buttercream

  • With your mixer at the ready, dive in and start whipping that butter. The goal? To watch it go from plain ol’ butter to something extraordinary—pale, fluffy, and ready to be the star of your frosting show.
  • Now add your powdered sugar to the mix. Here’s the secret to avoiding a sweet sugar cloud: start slow. As the butter whirls around in the bowl, sprinkle in that powdered sugar, a cup at a time. Begin with a gentle mixing speed, so the sugar particles have a chance to cozy up with the butter without causing a snowy explosion. Once they’ve become well incorporated you can turn your stand mixer to medium speed until you get a fluffy consistency.
  • Pour in a couple of teaspoons of pure vanilla extract. The essence of vanilla swirling around the room. But wait, there’s a trick up your sleeve if you’re up for it: a tiny pinch of salt. Yes, salt. Just a smidgen. It might seem odd, but trust me, it can turn your sweetness dial up a notch, making the vanilla and sugar dance in harmony.
  • Slowly pour your heavy cream or milk into the mixing bowl. This is the moment when everything comes together. The butter, sugar, vanilla, and cream start mingling in a whirl of deliciousness. The creaminess from the dairy acts like a binding agent, combining all the flavors into one cohesive masterpiece. Start with a modest amount, and if the mixture needs a touch more fluidity, add a splash at a time.
  • Crank up the speed to medium-high, and continue to let the mixer do its thing, beating the frosting at medium-high speed for 3-4 minute so reach its peak, and then stop. You’ve done it—transformed ordinary ingredients into a frosting that’s destined to grace your desserts in the most enchanting way.
  • To remove bubbles, mix on low with a paddle attachment for 10 to 15 minutes until smooth.
  • Wrap the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside until you’re ready to work with the frosting. While this frosting can remain at room temperature for a few hours, it’s best to store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer if you won’t be using it for a few days. Prior to each use, bring it to room temperature and gently mix on low speed.

  • The coverage of frosting can vary based on the size of the cakes and cupcakes and the thickness of frosting you apply but this recipe can cover two 6″x2″ or 12 cupcakes

What are the different types of buttercream?

1. Classic American Buttercream: This is the buttercream we all know and love—creamy, sweet, and versatile. Made with butter, powdered sugar, a splash of vanilla, and a pinch of salt, it’s a breeze to whip up. Great for piping and spreading, it’s a staple for birthday cakes and cupcakes.

2. Swiss Meringue Buttercream: Silky and luxurious, Swiss Meringue Buttercream is made by whisking egg whites and sugar over a double boiler until it’s glossy and the sugar dissolves. Then, it’s whipped into a cloud-like texture and blended with butter. The result? A buttercream that’s light, not too sweet, and perfect for a polished finish.

3. Italian Meringue Buttercream: Similar to Swiss Meringue, Italian Meringue Buttercream involves a sugar syrup, but this time it’s cooked to a precise temperature before being drizzled into whipped egg whites. The result is a stable, glossy buttercream that’s perfect for those who prefer a less sweet frosting. It’s often used for intricate decorations.

4. French Buttercream: The indulgent cousin of the meringue-based buttercreams, French Buttercream is rich, velvety, and downright decadent. It’s made by whipping egg yolks, sugar, and butter into a sublime mixture that’s perfect for those who crave a more custard-like texture and flavor in their frostings.

5. Cream Cheese Buttercream: For a tangy twist, there’s Cream Cheese Buttercream. Blending cream cheese with butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla creates a frosting with a delightful balance of sweetness and tanginess. It’s a classic partner for carrot cake and red velvet treats.

6. Whipped Cream Frosting: For a lighter option, Whipped Cream Frosting is a favorite. It’s made by whipping heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla until billowy peaks form. Delicate and dreamy, it’s ideal for topping off fresh fruit cakes or summery cupcakes.

Assembling and Decorating Steps:

1. A Gentle Crumb Coat (Optional): If you’re dealing with cakes, consider applying a delicate layer of frosting, known as a crumb coat. This thin layer tames those pesky crumbs, ensuring a smoother canvas for your final masterpiece.

2. The Flourish of Frosting: With a triumphant flourish, it’s time to lavish your dessert with the Vanilla Buttercream Frosting. Gently layer it over your cake or cupcakes, using an offset spatula to achieve a divine smoothness.

3. The cupcacke pipping: Experiment with different tips or techniques to create unique patterns. Try star-shaped tips for a festive touch, or play with colors to match the theme.

Troubleshooting and Flavor Variations:


  • If the frosting seems too thick, a touch more milk or cream will come to the rescue.
  • To counter a thinner consistency, gradually blend in more powdered sugar.

Flavor Variations:

  • For a captivating twist, consider blending in a bit of cocoa powder for a subtle chocolatey charm.
  • Infuse citrus zest, like lemon or orange, to create a zesty surprise in your frosting and so much more.

Notes and Tips:

  • Opt for unsalted butter to control the overall saltiness.
  • To intensify the vanilla essence, experiment with a dash of vanilla bean paste.
  • Allow your cake to cool completely before the frosting adventure begins.

Pairing and Serving Suggestions: Pair this divine Vanilla Buttercream Frosting with:

  • Classic vanilla cake layers
  • A decadent chocolate cake base
  • Tender sugar cookies that melt in your mouth

Best Vanilla Buttercream

This timeless recipe encapsulates the essence of pure vanilla, delivering a luxurious, melt-in-your-mouth experience. Whether you're frosting a classic vanilla cake, cupcakes, or cookies, this recipe guarantees a lusciously smooth and delectably sweet finishing touch.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 4 cups


  • Stand mixer with paddle attachment softened
  • Measuring cups & spoons


  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup whole milk or heavy cream
  • pinch of salt


  • In a mixing bowl, beat the softened butter until creamy and pale, about 2-3 minutes.
  • Gradually add the powdered sugar, about 1 cup at a time. Mix on low speed initially to avoid sugar clouds, then increase to medium-high.
  • Incorporate the pure vanilla extract and a pinch of salt (if using) into the butter-sugar mixture. The salt enhances the flavors.
  • Slowly add the milk or heavy cream to the mixture. Begin with 2 tablespoons and assess the consistency. Add more if needed.
  • Beat the mixture on medium-high speed for 3-4 minutes until the frosting is light, fluffy, and well combined.


  • Use unsalted butter to control the salt content.
  • For a more intense vanilla flavor, consider using vanilla bean paste.
  • Make sure the cake is fully cooled before frosting to prevent melting.
Keyword buttercream, frosting

With your imagination and this Vanilla Buttercream Frosting recipe, every dessert becomes a canvas for your sweet visions. Enjoy the journey of indulgence! Tag @kealicious_bakery on IG to share the beauty you created with us.

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